Solo piano

In a way, people can come together, share the same experience and leave behind unwanted thoughts when they listen to music together.

I find that playing music is like telling a story. Instead of words, there is “pure expressive sound” that people are free to experience however they choose. This “expressive sound” can be emotions or more mysterious than that – shapes and colours.

My performing experience spans concert halls to homes, and care homes to theatres. I was a piano semifinalist of the George Enescu competition in Romania.

Music that is currently close to me includes the works of Robert Schumann, Debussy, Ravel and Ligeti. I believe in bringing less well-known composers’ works to life, including Laura Valborg Aulin, George Enescu and Hans Gál.

Have a browse of my recordings on SoundCloud and YouTube. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like me to play piano live or for a recording.

I was so happy to record over an hour of Robert Ely's solo piano music for CD in October 2021.